

Upcoming Publications

Look for a short nonfiction essay on spending my teen years in nursing homes in Brevity sometime in January 2018.

Past Publications

You can read my essay on adoption, scripts, and my starring role in a third-grade production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in Flip The Script: An Adult Adoptee Anthology.

I’ve also written about adoption searches and social media for Secret Sons and Daughters.

I’ve been writing professionally for 15 years now, mostly for weekly newspapers and arts and culture magazines. In the last few years, writing for colleges and universities has become a fun side career. I also write about books, comics, movies, and tabletop gaming. Check out my current portfolio here.

About Me

Larry Clow is a writer and editor based in New England. He’s working on his first book, “People You May Know,” about how the internet and social media changed adoption in America. Find him on Twitter or sign up for his non-intrusive newsletter.